Give Your Home More Than Just A Few Pickets With These Wood Fencing Ideas


Wood fencing is something that can be a great addition to your home; giving you an attractive solution to make your outdoor space more private. In addition to the fence around the property line, you may also want to add other custom features, such a screens or structures for climbing plants to take root. Here are some wood fencing projects that will give your home more than just a few pickets and add custom features to your landscaping design:

1. Using Wood Fencing as A Frame for Climbing Plants

If you like having green cover for landscaping, climbing plants are good to use for things like screens and dividing different areas of your garden. To provide the climbing plants with a solid frame, you can use wood fencing to allow the plants to grow on. You may want to use lattice materials for this, or you can even use string attached to screws in the fence to train the plants to grow into custom designs and shapes.  

2. Wood Fence Privacy and Dividers for Outdoor Spaces

There may be some areas of your garden where open space cause privacy issues. If you want to have more privacy for your garden area, you may want to consider using wood fencing as privacy screen solutions. You can install single sections of fence in areas that are visible from outside of your property. In addition, you may have different themes in your landscaping, which wood fencing is a good choice of materials to divide different spaces.

3. Adding Shade to Your Landscaping with Wood Fencing and Arbors

Wood fencing is also a good solution to add shade to your garden if you have few trees. The wood fencing is also something that can be used to protect plants that are sensible to too much direct sunlight. In addition, you may want to talk with a fence building company about incorporating other structures into your fence design to give landscaping more shade. Arbors and pergolas are available in the same wood materials as fencing and can provide an attractive solution to give your garden more shade.

Wood fencing is a versatile material that can be used for more than just the fence that encloses your yard. Contact a fencing building company like Askatu Construction to help with the installation of a new fence and talk with them about helping add some of these custom features to your landscaping design. 


21 April 2017

Feel Safe in a New Neighborhood

Eleven years ago, I met the man of my dreams. Unfortunately, he lived seventy-five miles away from my hometown. After dating for nearly a year, we became engaged. Six months after celebrating our engagement, my minister father married us in a beautiful church ceremony. After the wedding, I moved to the home my husband had purchased a few years earlier. Because I was raised in the country, I didn’t immediately feel safe in my new, crowded neighborhood. Have you recently moved into a new neighborhood? Perhaps, you feel uneasy staying at your new home alone. If you’re frightened living in a new place, consider hiring a fence contractor. On this blog, you will discover the best types of fences to install in a residential neighborhood.