3 Tips For Keeping Your Newly Adopted Dog Safe With New Fencing


Having secure fencing installed should be a priority when you are adopting a new dog and want them to enjoy your yard without being tied up. Letting your dog outside can allow them to get fresh air and exercise without the need for taking them on a long walk, making it important that you look into what steps you can take to make your yard safe. Before getting just any fencing installed and putting down a deposit for the project, you should look into what kinds of steps you can take towards getting the ideal fencing that will be appropriate for your dog. Here are a few things you should look for in fencing for your pets. 

Curved Edges Near the Top of the Fence

Since there's always the risk of your dog escaping by jumping over the fence, it's a smart idea to look into what you can do to make this less likely. Your dog attempting to jump the fence will be even more likely when you consider that your yard and home will be all new to them and they may be more nervous as a result. One of the best ways to keep your dog safely inside the yard is by simply looking into having the top of the fence curve towards you. This can make it impossible for your dog to get a hold on the fence and jump over.

Improved Privacy Can Lead to Less Barking

When comparing the different kinds of fencing available, you'll want to prepare for the choice with your dog in mind. You likely have already noticed that your dog will bark much less when they can't see outside as easily. This can be achieved by opting for solid fencing that can't be seen through. Avoiding chain link and clear Plexiglass fencing can prevent your dog from seeing people walk by and ensure that your dog will bark less when spending time in the yard.

Certain Fencing Can Be Harder to Scale

Along with having a curved top on your fence, it's another good idea to look into having the fencing be harder to scale for your dog. This means avoiding materials of fencing by a dog can easily grab a hold of and climb over, such as wood that has horizontal planks since they can be easily used by your dog.

As you prepare for buying fencing and having it installed around your yard, you should keep the above tips in mind and how they can be an improvement for your yard. For more information, contact a business such as Hunt's Fencing


10 May 2017

Feel Safe in a New Neighborhood

Eleven years ago, I met the man of my dreams. Unfortunately, he lived seventy-five miles away from my hometown. After dating for nearly a year, we became engaged. Six months after celebrating our engagement, my minister father married us in a beautiful church ceremony. After the wedding, I moved to the home my husband had purchased a few years earlier. Because I was raised in the country, I didn’t immediately feel safe in my new, crowded neighborhood. Have you recently moved into a new neighborhood? Perhaps, you feel uneasy staying at your new home alone. If you’re frightened living in a new place, consider hiring a fence contractor. On this blog, you will discover the best types of fences to install in a residential neighborhood.